Technology is fantastic and over the years it has improved our daily lives and revolutionized the world.
But it can be also difficult.
Especially when it doesn't work the way the you want it to.
Although there's plenty of great resources online, many sites and forums are for people that live and breath technology.
I get it.
And that's the reason why I created Tech Parasol.
I'm here to help you.
I've been interested in electronics and tech since an early age. Ever since watching my Grandfather repair TVs, amps and other consumer electronics in his garage.
I was always the “go-to” person for building PCs and fixing tech issues for friends and family!
Fast forward a few years and I now have a Bachelors Degree in Electronic Engineering.
Check out the microcontroller project below I built whilst at University! (It's a PIC18F452 Microcontroller for those that are interested!)

Since then, I've spent the last 15 years working in tech as a Software Programmer.
Welcome to the Tech Parasol community.

– Robert Anderson
PS: Feel free to email me if you get stuck: robert@techparasol (don't forget to add the “.com”).